Saturday, February 2, 2019

Because Writing Should be Fun

So for the fun of it, I decided to submit a short story on a website for Fantasy writers. For those who are unfamiliar with the site, they have monthly writing challenges. The objective for the January challenge was:
The challenge is to write a story in a non-fictional format. It can be a news report, a historical essay, a political or religious work (no RW religion or politics, please) or even a biographical work, as long as it has all the trappings of a biography, rather than just an author telling someone's story. BUT, whichever format you choose, it has to exist in-world with the subject.
The site is visible to members only - so there's no point in posting a link just yet. But . . . the activity did get me thinking about why I write.

I can't say it was a masterpiece - because it was never intended to be. As with many things in life, I ran out of time and ended up having to write and edit this particular entry within the span of a single, 24-hour day. However . . . the exercise emphasized one of the things that has attracted me to writing Fantasy-Fiction: writing should be fun.

I never had any expectations for making a living as a writer, much less becoming a world renowned author - so I should at lease enjoy what I write. And it was enjoyable. Definitely a fun little challenge that was a pleasure to compose and edit. Hope that others enjoy it as well.

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