Saturday, February 8, 2020

Status Update - Book 3: First Draft Complete

It's taken a little longer than I had expected, but I've finally completed the first draft for Book 3 of the Stormfall Chronicles: a total of 98,000 words.

Looking back, it took me a little over three and a half months (about 15 weeks) to complete that first draft. That's an average of about 900 words per day, written in my available free time. The overall pace was nearly identical to writing the second book in the series.

It's a little longer than I thought it might be at this phase. I had more scenes which needed to be added than I had realized. Right now, it looks like the third book is going to be closer in size to the second novel than it will be to the first.

Now to begin the editing process.


  1. That's a huge milestone, John. Congrats!
    And to be honest, reading your journal encourages me to finish all my half finished drafts (especially the one started and rewritten often since I was 13, but never finished).
    Happy editing! 😁


    1. Hi Lia,
      Persistence is the most essential trait any writer must have. Looking forward to seeing your drafts turn into finished books. :-)
